
Hah, wow I am literally so lost on what to write for Hidden god I'm an idiot 


I was nominated by peachyziam (thank you btw ((: ) to write 10 things that make me happy so um here it goes...
          1.) ziam 
          2.) reading outside especially when it's windy 
          3.) receiving random compliments from ppl you don't know 
          4.) internet friends 
          5.) hugs
          6.) discovering new music 
          7.) chocolate 
          8.) having inspiration to write (that one wow it's been a while I rlly just wanna restart all my stories) 
          9.) one direction 
          10.) good hair days 
          I nominate ziamstruelove & Loveyouzaynister to do the challenge as well (: xx


It doesn't seem real, it just seems so fake and yet as I'm scrolling through all these different types of social medias, it is. And I'm literally holding back an infinite amount of tears it hurts so badly my stomach has this awful feeling to it. I just didn't see it coming. I thought he'd come back from the break. At least he'll be happy and stress free. 


@isnt_harry_lovely I can't believe it either - try to stay strong babe  :'( x


Well, it's been a while. I am so sorry. I guess I was avoiding writing because I wasn't sure where my stories were headed and school is such a pain but now I will try my very best to update regularly starting with Hidden! Just give me a few days and I'll have an update ready! Stay beautiful my lovelies! xx