I know I know... I'm working hard, high school is tough you know :'( it's a hard time to, think that you just fitted I'm, and then that just goes all down the drain... homework is not a friend of mine and since its term 4, it's project season. ugh. NOT. FUN. Plus I'm in a fight with this boys I've been besties for like a full year, no fights at all. :( It actually got to a point where we both said "GO DIE" to eachother... So I'm messed up about that...
and this is embarrassing but...
every time I try to write a sex scene, I either end up laughing my head off, creeped out that I know this stuff (thanks primary school boys) or just thinking "I know people really well who read my stories... Fuck."
So yea, I'm working hard, trying hard and doing this for all of you guys! trust me, if it wasn't for my fans, I would've quit by now!
Sorry for the long message! BAI BOOBEARS (I'm now calling my fans that.) xox