
Y do I always want chocolate though?


Question time! 
          What do you do if you’ve fallen out of love with a book you’ve written 40k words of?? Asking for a friend 


@isobellawrites i cry because there are people and things that are so relatable and there is a 0% chance i could find someone like them


Hey everyone. I want to start by saying thank you so much for all the support everyone has given Blade, but I have made the decision to unpublish it. I don’t like what it stands for anymore, and I don’t feel like I’m the same person that I was when I wrote it. I don’t like the tone of it or the ending. I don’t want people to think that’s how things end in that situation , to glamourise suicide and mental health . I’ve been uncomfortably close to this topic in my real life over the last 2 years and I just don’t want my name to be associated with something I wrote when I didn’t know the full effects of what I was writing about. I don’t think I wrote this sensitively nor intelligently and because of that I’m done with it. I appreciate the praise and support that book had, but I think it’s time to remove the story. 
          Freshified xxx


It is wednesday my dudes. except it isn't but whatever. inspiration struck i have written a brand new story. the whole thing. every word. its all finished. and its 3:15 in the morning. i even made a cover. which ill have to perfect but i did it. i really like it. but i hope i like it as much in the morning. lemme know what you think. you're all the