Broken has just hit 1K!! Thank you to everyone who has been reading. The next update may take a while as school is starting to pile up but I promise you won't have to wait to long
Broken has just hit 1K!! Thank you to everyone who has been reading. The next update may take a while as school is starting to pile up but I promise you won't have to wait to long
I have been really absent sorry about that. I have four chapters ready to publish as I know I won't have much time to write over the next week. I hope you all enjoy
B o o p
You have been booped!
Now go to 20 wattpaders, whether them be your friends, amazing authors or great people, and do the same!
(You don't have to do it ofc:))
The Broken House of Black is going to be updated every Monday, Wednesday, Friday and possibly Sunday from now on. I may miss days due to school but I will try and keep updates as scheduled as possible