
I got tagged by @QueenLollies 
          	Tag 15 other people
          	Write 15 facts bout yourself
          	This must be completed within one week
          	You are not allowed to refuse this tag.
          	1. I have Turrets Syndrome
          	2. I am painfully single... ;(
          	3. I have a hopeless obsession with My Chemcial Romance
          	4. I love to read
          	5. I am a terrible writer, and I'm terrible at updating
          	6. I love to speak to people, but get too shy and never message you first..
          	7. Kinetic sand makes me spasm (idk why)
          	8. I love coffee 
          	9. I flirt with people irl all the time and it creeps them out... Hehehe ;)
          	10. I have two siblings
          	11. My favourite animals are wolves
          	12. I am nocturnal
          	13. I'm actually quite smart, but waste my time in the Internet 
          	14. I am EXTREMELY socially awkward
          	15. I'm bi
          	I tag: (I barely know anyone on here so...)
          	I basically just tagged you because you follow me, and I want to get to know you :)


I got tagged by @QueenLollies 
          Tag 15 other people
          Write 15 facts bout yourself
          This must be completed within one week
          You are not allowed to refuse this tag.
          1. I have Turrets Syndrome
          2. I am painfully single... ;(
          3. I have a hopeless obsession with My Chemcial Romance
          4. I love to read
          5. I am a terrible writer, and I'm terrible at updating
          6. I love to speak to people, but get too shy and never message you first..
          7. Kinetic sand makes me spasm (idk why)
          8. I love coffee 
          9. I flirt with people irl all the time and it creeps them out... Hehehe ;)
          10. I have two siblings
          11. My favourite animals are wolves
          12. I am nocturnal
          13. I'm actually quite smart, but waste my time in the Internet 
          14. I am EXTREMELY socially awkward
          15. I'm bi
          I tag: (I barely know anyone on here so...)
          I basically just tagged you because you follow me, and I want to get to know you :)


My spin off book is being written, and I intend to spend as much time as possible on it.
          I originally meant to write it as part of I'll Love You, as two of the characters recalling their happy childhood.
          The chapters shall be shorter, I think, and it shall be published this weekend.
          The title is: (drumroll please)
          The Good Old Days
          Yay or Nay?


          I am genuinely overjoyed, but I must thank you. Really.
          This is such a small milestone compared to more successful, developed writers, but for me, it's a big thing.
          I want to do something special, but I'm afraid writers block is going to keep messing with for what seems like forever, so a new chapter won't come out for a while.
          I don't know, maybe a Q&A, though there's only a few people here so there won't be many questions...
          Should I put up a picture of yours truly?
          I could write about me, my likes, dislikes etc...
          (I'm writing this as I come up with these ideas)
          I could make a one shot or a small book, published all over the weekend?
          If you see any appealing things, please REPLY.
          OK I'm going for my din dins now.
          BA BYE


@katygirlie , I have had an idea about one of the ships for a while, so I could do a short book on their backgrounds, when they were children and stuff.