hi yall. so like i kinda fell off the face of the earth... but I'm back... kinda... im writing a new book on my other page... more profesional page lmao. @jayfrazierbooks go and follow please. so like the book is a scifi thriller teen romcom type thing. tbh its a whole mess. but the first chapter should be out soon. also, IM SO FREAKING STRESSED RN. I'm the lead role of a play at my school and I have a project that she gave to us today... due tommrow when this project should take days tbh and we only get class time which is an hour and 30 minutes. Litterally had a panic attack in the middle of the hallway while my boyfriend was trying to console me... didnt work. so, im here just having a good time am I right champs. TBH i want to contiue ocean eyes but I really dont know what to do with it. so im taking sugesstions down below.