Hey everyone! First of all, how are you doing? I hope you’re all doing well. Alright, so idk if a lot of you follow my insta account known as @itachiscxmslut but I believe it was hacked or just taken down because it’s disabled. I made a new one so if you have not seen my newest TikTok with the name of it, it’s @itachiscumslxt ! Hopefully I can get my other one soon but I made this as a backup. If you would still like to keep in touch, give it a follow<3 and yes, I always follow back! now, I’ve been working on another piece but it won’t be out for some time. I don’t have as many brain cells as most daily writers do bc before my first wattpad, I’ve never written anything for the life of me. But yeah! I just wanted to let you beautiful people know and have an update on my writing. I hope you all have a great day/nite and I love you all so so SO much<333