
Chapter 9 of Harry Potter, Achievements Unlocked is published. Stars, Rewritten Chapter 3 is still in the works. I want to make sure I'm laying the groundwork for the rest of SR and its sequel so that I don't have to make any massive rewrites later on.


Chapter 9 of Harry Potter, Achievements Unlocked is published. Stars, Rewritten Chapter 3 is still in the works. I want to make sure I'm laying the groundwork for the rest of SR and its sequel so that I don't have to make any massive rewrites later on.


Updated _Harry Potter, Achievements Unlocked_ an additional 3 chapters; I have one more ready to go in a little while, and am working on chapter 6 right now. As times have changed considerably in the 30 years since Harry Potter was published, research is a tad more difficult, especially since I've never had the pleasure to even so much as visit the UK. The pop culture and current events are less difficult to research, but that doesn't really matter since *the game* provides a reason for anachronistic memes to exist.
          If anyone enjoys *life as a video game* fanfics, please feel free to leave reviews and constructive criticism - any and all ideas are more than welcome, also. I have lots of tables for items and prices and progress bars and levels to keep track of everything, even across multiple saves, so even if I don't mention certain skill-ups in the fic itself, I have kept track of how much Harry is progressing in levelling up to be über-hexenmeister.


I've been so absent on here lately, but I moved from OK to FL and have been working little by little on _Stars, Rewritten_ as well as doing all the world-building for another HP fanfic, _Harry Potter, Achievements Unlocked_ / It's a Harry-centric video-game fanfic and I'm on Chapter 4. There's also the OUAT Regina/David plot bunnies that have bred in my mind and I'm working on one fic for them with another somewhat planned out.
          TLDR; I've been doing far more planning/writing than I've been posting and I realise it's been a year, but I promise I haven't abandoned Stars.


Sometimes you have to stop yoursi=elf fbeore the drunkensss gets yourself/ Smetimes you have to remaain sober of your refret updates tand the tlike   = beause alcohl geives youy false fonfidentce Good nesws is all alcohol  and tobacco is gone from the shouse - so soberness is important ya mean?


Apologies for losing my mind last night; but I also want to keep this up for posterity's sake haha


Since I'm lazy, I decided to update my cover of Stars, Rewritten - I have a little bit of Chapter 3 done (emphasis on little haha). School's in session again which means I'll be working more often. And ya'll thought I was slow going over the summer - HAHA


Okay, since I had decided to publish the second chapter a little ahead of time, I wasn't satisfied with its ending. It was like it dropped off. So I wrote a few extra sentences to polish it a bit and am much happier. Next chapter will take place mainly at the Burrow - lots of conversations with Hermione, Ginny, Ron, and Harry, some other Weasleys; Draco also gets his O.W.L. results and everyone gets their booklists; Diagon Alley!; Draco and Hermione finally interact with each other.
          Again, not sure if it'll get too long, I'll try to keep the word count under 10,000 per chapter.


I finally updated "Stars, Rewritten" if anyone's interested. Draco's part is very dark, so warnings abound. 
           I think the next chapter might be split into two parts, though, if I can't stop writing. There were somethings that I wanted to include in the second chapter that I'll need to include in the third, which will extend it by a bit, considering my outline has six parts already. HAH!


Hello! Thanks for all the comments on my Dramione crossover story 'Cursed'. I loved reading them all this morning! :)


Did you just go back and vote on all my chapters? XD Thank you!! I was definitely not hinting at that when I was talking about votes earlier, but thank you - I appreciate it!


Full reading lists are the best kind of reading lists XD I don't much dabble in other ships, but it's a lot of fun to read how others interpret the magical wizarding world!


@CharliEmAlO No you don't talk too much, WOW, I've got so much reading ahead of me - thank you! I ship a lot of ships but I've been on a Dramione kick as of late, probs due to my own WIP :/, and I just can't get enough of all the stories - I really love them to pieces. Thank you so much for taking the time to reply with so much helpful information - And my reading lists are now about to balloon!