
Just wanted to say my condolences to the families that were victims of the Coors shooting in Milwaukee an hour ago. Shootings happen a lot in Milwaukee and not many people know this, and it’s coming closer to us. Two school near me had threats; one there was an active shooter. I’ve had my school shut down several times from threats, and I was 13. I know how scary it is just to get threatened, I can’t imagine losing someone. So, my condolences. 


Just wanted to say my condolences to the families that were victims of the Coors shooting in Milwaukee an hour ago. Shootings happen a lot in Milwaukee and not many people know this, and it’s coming closer to us. Two school near me had threats; one there was an active shooter. I’ve had my school shut down several times from threats, and I was 13. I know how scary it is just to get threatened, I can’t imagine losing someone. So, my condolences. 


LOYAL READER OUR REBELLION REWRITTEN IS UP NOW!! I know it’s taken so long but that’s because I care so much about it to not put all my effort in writing it. I’m very proud of how this has turned out. Please take a look if you still are interested in the story! —Brennon


So I know I haven’t updated anything in like half of a year. For that I apologize. I’m currently rewriting Our Rebellion, because that story needs the most work. I’m planning on publishing the first chapter when I have five written, currently I only have three. 
          I’m still trying to decide how I’m going to publish the new chapters; whether it will just replace all the chapters in the existing book or I’ll make a new one. If I could get feedback on this dilemma that would be great, because then I’ll know how you guys want to read it and such. Thank you if you still are sticking around for the new chapters, I promise they won’t be a fourteen-year-olds story that was written because gay. It’s actually kindof good now. 