Somehow, one way or another, it always ends up being soup.


So, it was a novel that bore a fanfiction, that gave rise to another fanfiction, then the fanfiction was so changed, it became an alternate dimension within the same universe, and now there are many alternate dimensions and many fanfictions, few taking place within the same world, and it's all mixed up, and yes, we're trash.
But it's endearing trash.
  • انضمDecember 10, 2018

الرسالة الأخيرة
its_always_soup its_always_soup Dec 15, 2018 06:17AM
Chapter 2 (In Which Soup Makes Its Debut Appearance) is up!My favorite line from chapter 2:"Maybe I'll just hide in the trees until lunchtime." ~April
عرض جميع المحادثات

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