
1. i swear i put some wholesome 'happy eid' post here. must've not gotten thru smh. i should've checked tsk
          	2. i'm working on something. when it's done, or almost done at least, i'll be sure to fill u guys in.
          	3. had a fuckin weird dream. i swear if somebody random slides on my dm rn i'll marry them smh


1. i swear i put some wholesome 'happy eid' post here. must've not gotten thru smh. i should've checked tsk
          2. i'm working on something. when it's done, or almost done at least, i'll be sure to fill u guys in.
          3. had a fuckin weird dream. i swear if somebody random slides on my dm rn i'll marry them smh


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person of interest is one of the best series i've ever watched. period.
          i know it's old, but i've just found it. don't hate me please x.x
          (spoilers ahead)
          was amazing how the series unfolded into something that i hadn't at all been expecting. 5 seasons long and most of them more than 20 episodes each should've gotten me running for my life, but it was still enticing to watch even to the last episode.
          tho the ending got me stuck between wanting to choke the screenwriter to death and giving them a nice pat on the back. it was perplexing how the first time i've ever cried for so long is bcs of this movie smh.
          tho it's fucking annoying how every badass gay character i've watched in every series keeps on dying from being shot (lexa the 100). fuckin hell. so not cool sacrificing the gay like that. POI was smart tho, they didn't kill root off till the fuckin ending (my eyes are still swollen from crying and i still wanna cry now).
          it was so fuckin sad how she died. she had just found shaw,and not even a few days later she was already dying while they were being arrested by the police. no one by her side. like... hell. she didn't deserve that. she was shaw's safe place ffs TT.TT
          okay. that's the end of this long rant. thank u for listening u.u


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i'm falling in love w seulrene i might change 7 year itch into a seulrene fanfic. i'm so indecisive i swear, but this ship is the realest i've ever seen like u can't possibly miss how irene has fucking permanent heart eyes whenever seulgi's around. not to mention she's like fucking gay af TT.TT


@itsart_a omfg ... seulrene is one of the best rv ships. (can’t) change my mind V__V


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whoever fuckin created hotel del luna is one fuckin cruel mf. i'm WEEPING in the middle of the night coz of the last episode. this is fuckin embarrassing.
          i was like 'where tf did this water come from?' then i was crying like a fuckin baby before i knew it.
          fuck this.
          somebody please tell me how to unlove IU.


it's 1 in the fuckin morning and i'm in love w IU. i'm gonna start praying for her hands in marriage from now on. she's fuckin ethereal *sighs*


@itsart_a and who said a girl can't dream?


@sherdpacs a girl can dream tho dd:


@itsart_a keep dreaming boo and be persistent (: