
my superiors told me that my family will be released if you all join this cord server.


@itsbaam I'll tickle your special spots if you don't update limitless 


If you got a recent noti for fate, don’t click on it. It’s simply an upload because Lattpad flagged one of the images that I used (go ahead and guess). So unless you want to reread that chapter, go ahead, there’s nothing new about it. In retaliation Chapter 8 will be uploaded tmrw. 


Hey! Doubt you'll read this, but I thought I'd give this a shot since Wattpad removed the damned messaging feature for some reason.
          Anywho, first off, loving the work on Shadows. Easily one of the best Fate-Reader 'fics I've seen, especially to someone who only got into Fate recently. Watched UBW a while ago and been meaning to learn more about it.
          Second off, you've helped give me a writing spark back to finally finish the Fate project I've been slowly tinkering on while I've been trying to get my writing spark back for my main 'fic, so thanks a lot on that. Keep doin' what you're doin' since it's great stuff. Cheers.