
sofia, i love you and i already miss you. you’ve become one of the people who i’ll never forget. you are one of the people who made an impact in my life, and i am so thankful. stay gorgeous and goddess-like. forget me, okay?
          	aby, YOU ANGEL! you’ve been so kind to me, and i will never forget you. thank you for all those times you’ve made me smile. i love you, and please forget me.
          	kiya, you and your jazz. we never really talked together, outside the server so i’m sorry. i can’t ever forget your letting others know about your obsession with jazz. thank you for everything. you’re pretty and attractive, alright? don’t degrade yourself, and don’t let media beauty define who you are. forget me, and i love you <3
          	moms, we haven’t talked as much one-on-one and i’m sorry for that. both of you made me feel welcome in the family, no doubt, and i thank you for that. 
          	rie, we haven’t talked as much so i’m sorry. innumerable times, you’ve made me laugh. also, i’m jealous of you. HOW CAN A HUMAN BEING BE SO CUTE AND ADORABLE. that is one thing i’ll never forgive you for  but i still love you nonetheless. but like, give me some. thank you.
          	to the others i hadn’t mentioned, i’m sorry for any inconvenience i’ve caused or my being a nuisance troubled you. thank you for everything. i haven’t felt so welcomed in such a long time, so thank you. please forget about me, and i love you. stay safe, happy and healthy. take care! 


ahh, i haven't been messaging you that much anymore in
          discord and i  feel so dissapointed at myself :( i hope you
          are healthy and safe right now !! i don't know what you've
          been up to lately  so i do hope that you're not stressed or
          anything. i love you so much to  the point that i can't even
          express it <3 bye — i feel so cheesy so i'm gonna go now.
          bye bye 


hello, how are you doing ? you probably deleted wattpad and
          discord already but anyways, as i mentioned in discord, i will
          be starting to  post my messages in discord ! i felt that i was
          starting to  post personal  information about me and it could
          be seen by everyone since i post it   in your mb and i thought
          that i should just post my messages in discord. i love you so
          much, quinn <3


quinn, how are you doing today and for the past few days as
          well? i hope you're safe and is doing well ! my teachers keep
          on assigning  me with school activities so i'm sorry that i did
          not drop  by for a few days  </3 im also going somewhere at
          chinese new year so i probably wouldn't be able to post at ur
          mb for 3-4 days if there's no wi-fi.