
so thats another thing. and a question i have for you is why do you keep leading me on knowing that you're just going to quit the next day. it really does hurt. and you coming back again was awesome it really did make me happy but for you to leave on our one year anniversary, damn thats low


and by the way. you arnt the same person either. we change. we evolve as humans. we grow. and if i didnt change then that would be strange because im suppose to. we all are. we learn from our mistakes and the mistakes of others. our friends today arnt our friends tomorrow. stuff is constantly changing. and as much as i hate it ik our friend group wont last forever. my blurryface friend group is basically over so that helps prove my point


@basicty dude. okay, i didn't leave our friends. i still talk to them. just because iv been busy doesn't mean i left them. and I'm just over the name jackie. also why did you leave ik that its cuz stress but this is the third time you've done it. do/did you even like me? cuz it really doesn't feel like it