
If I was to write a book about a insecure teenager who would read it? 
          	Because I'm seriously thinking about it. 


My poem book has over 1k!!! This is a huge deal to me. I never realized how much my writing can effect people and how they can relate to it! So thank you thank you!!! For everything yall do and don't be ghosts guys give some love! Don't give up on me and I won't give up on you! I love you all! 


 Let me take this little message board to have a mini talk with you.
          The Tee before reading your poems and the Tee I became after reading them are totally two different people.
          The effect your works have on me are just so awefully wonderful.
          I don't know if I know you, dark. But I do know, that I'm in love. In love with that book of yours.
          Keep slaying my life.
          All the love,


Chocolate! Hell yeahh I'm down for that actually! Yes yes you did! Awe love I'm sorry for the fallen tears but it was totally worth it right? @tannlove3 


this message may be offensive
            Ill call you chocolate! ;)
            Because youre so dark and sweet!
            What? Sigh, i made your life? You fucking made me cry and slay!
            I love you chocolate!


Love you just made my whole life. And you precious Tee are the reason I keep writing thank you so much. For all your votes and comments they may be small but they mean the world to me @tannlove3 