
hehe nooo problem broseph :D i absolutely LOVE!  and ADORE! your stories and characters and yeah :) you're a fantabulous writer and yeah :) 


Me: You know what to do!
          Evil minion: Sir Yes Sir!
          Me: *facepalm* Just to do it...
          *Evil minion runs and tackles itsDiego from behind and whispers in evil exorcist voice* Listen up fool! Fluffy master sends a message...hmm...your kinda cute...hey baby...
          ItsDiego- um....ewww...
          *Me standing in bushes shaking head, mumbling to self* that's the last time I get an evil minion out of a cereal box...
          Evil Minion: Wanna go on a date???? 
          ItsDiego:...message...tell me the message...
          Evil Minion: Oh right! She said....THANKS FOR FANNING!!!! 
          hah! I'm really weird...but yeah, what the minion said...Thanks for fanning me! <3