
Hey guys! Hope everyone is well. I'd like to announce I opened a new Instagram! This page is a fan page mainly for the progressive rock band Genesis. Even if you're not into them I'd really appreciate a follow! You can find me as @intheglow_ofthenight .
          	Also regarding this account, I'm going to be using it as a storage cloud for my Eddie pics. After I get them all transferred here, I'll most likely be abandoning it. I don't wanna hand it off to someone in fear that they'll one day delete this account and as a result all the pictures will be deleted with it.
          	Thank you for your understanding, and have a wonderful August everyone :)


@itsevh  I followed you earlier
          	  I'm the Gus G. fan account 


Darling Eddie, these past few weeks away in college are starting to take a toll on me and I’m getting bored. I have two roommates named Maryana and Callan and they are wonderful. Hopefully I can introduce you to them sometime soon. Take care of yourself alright?


Hey guys! Hope everyone is well. I'd like to announce I opened a new Instagram! This page is a fan page mainly for the progressive rock band Genesis. Even if you're not into them I'd really appreciate a follow! You can find me as @intheglow_ofthenight .
          Also regarding this account, I'm going to be using it as a storage cloud for my Eddie pics. After I get them all transferred here, I'll most likely be abandoning it. I don't wanna hand it off to someone in fear that they'll one day delete this account and as a result all the pictures will be deleted with it.
          Thank you for your understanding, and have a wonderful August everyone :)


@itsevh  I followed you earlier
            I'm the Gus G. fan account 


//Hi everybody, I hate to say this but I'm gonna have to take an indefinite break from wattpad. Ive been forgetting about this app more and more and tbh I was really only talking to one person on here, and she left so I haven't been talking to many people on here. Also the closer I get to turning 18 the more and more my parents and I are getting at each other's throats, and I may not have a choice but to move out soon and start my adult life. Yet there are many things I need to do with my life before that happens and Wattpad (and other things too, don't get me wong) is getting in the way. I still plan on releasing my Star Wars fanfic on @realalicefett so I promise I'm gonna come back in the fall with that.
          If you haven't already, please go follow @realalicefett , my admins new account. I willl try to continue to update the fakegram, since I'm starting to run out of storage and I need to get rid of some pictures by posting them onto here. You can also follow my admin on the following websites:
          Pinterest: @pascalplatformshoes
          Reddit: u/1alicefett
          Thank you for your understanding during this trying time. Signing off now. Peace ♡


@gunsandvodka are you bucketheadsnubchub? Lol I didn't see it until now it got lost in my notifs


//Okay, so the most magical, Disney princess thing just happen to me. I'm at this place with a big pond, and I stepped in the water for a few minutes. I started humming for no apparent reason, and I look down to see not one, not two, not three, but FOUR little fish staring at my toes. I crouched down, and I slowly put my fingers in the water, and the fish came up to my hand and tried to nibble at my fingers. I ended up taking my hand out real fast, but if I didn't, I bet they would have bit on and I would have been able to pick one up. That was the closest I've ever gotten to a live fish. And if that didn't make my day, then I don't know what would.


@itsevh  that's very Disney-ish lmao I'm glad you experienced it 


//Everyone please read. This is an important message.
          For all of you with reddits, I need you to follow this link, and downvote/report/block the Krazy_Eyes person. I was trying to share my artwork with the Van Halen sub, but this person left a very rude and unnecessary comment about the lies surrounding Michael Jackson. The last thing I want is my artwork to cause any arguments or controversy, I just want to share it so people can enjoy the artistic side of it, and this person is doing nothing but resurfacing old problems to try and cause trouble. So I need his comment to be reported and downvoted enough so that his comment can be removed and maybe even banned from the sub. Thank you for your support guys. Have a good weekend ♡ 


@itsevh h-heart p-palpitation.


@-itslucihere what's going on?