
Hey guys! 
          	I know I promised to post soon, but i am unwell right now. I will post the next part as soon as possible. I am very sorry for the delay, but i am really unwell, and some family issue is also going on. 
          	Hope u liked the story so far. 
          	Stay tuned
          	Love uh all. 


Hey guys! 
          I know I promised to post soon, but i am unwell right now. I will post the next part as soon as possible. I am very sorry for the delay, but i am really unwell, and some family issue is also going on. 
          Hope u liked the story so far. 
          Stay tuned
          Love uh all. 


Hey Guys!! 
          I will be posting new part of my story 'His Unloved Wife' maybe tomorrow... And I will be making my new account for BTS fan fiction soon... And I will also post new part of my other stories soon... So please wait till tomorrow or maybe day after tomorrow for next part... 
          Love you all.. 
          Take care
          Inaaya Kapoor


Hey Guys!! 
          I think you all must be waiting for my stories... I am very sorry for not posting since a long time... But don't worry I will soon post... My exams are going on so it's difficult for me to post... I hope you understand... 
          Love you all... 
          Inaaya Kapoor


Hey Guyss!! 
          I want to inform you all that my second wattpad account @KapooraInaaya is hacked.... The people who are interested in my story or is Army ⟬⟭ can follow my new account... I have not made my new account yet but i will make it soon... So please whosoever is interested in my BTS ff can follow me... When I will make a new account I will information... I hope you all will cooperate... And to those who are waiting for my stories... I will post soon but not now as my exams are going on... 
          Please Cooperate... 
          Love u all.. 
          Inaaya Kapoor.. 


Hey guys!!
          I hope you all are fine and healthy. I wanted to inform you that I won't be able to post this week because of my studies and function at my place. I am very sorry for this delay. But please understand my situation. Please have some patience. I will surely post soon.
          I hope you understand 
          Love you all 


Hey Guys!! 
          This announcement is not for any story or chapter. This is for birthday of my love ARYAN KHAN. I wish he live long and happy. After this difficult time I pray that Aryan become happy again. Guys he is innocent and if you think he is not innocent you better go to hell that's the best place for idiot like you.... 
          We love you ARYAN KHAN, always stay healthy and happy.... 
          Wishing you a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY...... 


Hey guys!!! 
          As you saw in my profile ARYAN KHAN.... 
          He was in jail even if he was innocent. All BJT frauds are in arrest. I am happiest person in the world now. I am literally crying and not able to believe. Last days were hectic but now I am happy ...........