
Alright guys, check out the new part to lost for battle, I’m ending it and everything will be explained there. I apologize deeply but please understand where I as a writer am coming from. :( 


when will there be a new chapter of have you locked the door? i need it


Hi! So I’m taking a break from writing, I have no motivation at the moment. I am a person who is very bad at consistency so I will be interested in things in random outbursts, when this comes to me again for writing I will update! Im very sorry but I will find a better system when this does come so you guys won’t have to wait so long for updates. Thanks for the feedback and have a good day/afternoon/night! :)


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New chapters for lost in battle and have you locked the doors will be uploaded late December - early January, sorry! Finals are coming up so after I finish my 1sr semester strong I’ll spend all of winter break on this shit, love y’all