
I wanna go back to those days where my only problem is how to go to school early, and how to passed all my school requirements/paper works. Just like that. Not this. Where you just cry and cry without anyone knowing, and trying to be strong for them. All i ever wanted ever since i enter college is to finish the given course for me to study and graduate so that i can provide/attend to my family's needs...but this shitty thing happened and boom*  everything crashed in an instant and everything gets harder and harder each passing day like we're trying to breathe under water even it's really hard because we still want to live, to be happy, and free in this world without fear/anxiety like others.


I wanna go back to those days where my only problem is how to go to school early, and how to passed all my school requirements/paper works. Just like that. Not this. Where you just cry and cry without anyone knowing, and trying to be strong for them. All i ever wanted ever since i enter college is to finish the given course for me to study and graduate so that i can provide/attend to my family's needs...but this shitty thing happened and boom*  everything crashed in an instant and everything gets harder and harder each passing day like we're trying to breathe under water even it's really hard because we still want to live, to be happy, and free in this world without fear/anxiety like others.


I'm feeling so sad for Maggie heart is breaking knowing that she still loves Jasper but Jasper's not the same man she loves before...I really want to know what happened 4yrs ago. I can't even blame Jasper why he's acting like that towards Maggie because I know that Maggie's the one who ran away without telling Jasper about somethings worrying her ... like the evil man named Justin's threat. 


I just spent my whole day reading it. And it is so good af! Really. It's been so long since i saved it to my library and recently i decided to finsh it. And i love it!  Really do love it! To the point that i can't even sleep rn thinking the both of them and even thinking about the next one hahahaha hoping that it'll be 'bout Jax and Kitty this time


I love the last story I read earlier... But the ending makes me feel so sad I just want it to end without anyone dying. I can't help but to think that Callum's not actually dead and Audrey and him will live as a happy family with their four kids besides of all the pain and tragic happenings happened to them in the past because of the love they have with each other. #BeautyFromPain #ownopinion #ButIStillReallyLoveIT