
So excited!!! My 17th birthday is tommorow!!!!! Yay!!!!!!


Okay guys. I'm rethinking things. Maybe I should write something else? I need to know what you guys think of my stories. Tell me which one is the best and which is the worst. I know most of my stories are tragic/normal love stories. I want to write something different. I'm up for the challenge. I wan to write a story with one of you guys. Let me know if you want to write a story with me. Hope you guys are having a great summer and please let me know if you what u think of my stories, if you want to write one with me, or if u have any ideas soon. Kay. I want to start a new one before next month. Thanks guys!!!!


Hey Guys! Just a general message! Thanks for all of you who wished me a happy birthday! The reason I haven't been on here in so long is because I've been a little busy and my iPod broke. So hopefully I'll definitely get an iPhone in April, but in the mean time I'm trying really hard to write something. Don't worry guys! I'll be back before you know it. And by the way, I want all of you guys to follow @jbussey. Her story is really cool. And for the rest of you guys, I'm really really sorry I haven't been reading and liking/voting and commenting on your stories!  Anyways, I hope you guys enjoy the rest of winter. I'm totes ready for Spring (mostly the warm weather so I start wearing a more variety of clothes,lol) Thanks guys!!! I love you.


Hey guys!! Im really sorry that I haven't updated in a really long time. It's just I started having writers block for a while and the school started and now I'm trying to get everything ready so I can apply to college early. PS I'm only a sophomore!!!!


Okay guys. i need some help one these things. 
          1. i was thinking of writing a different POV tell what you think of this
          2  i want to do somthing different with this story but i dont know what
          3  if you want to be a character in my story let me know okay guys