
this message may be offensive
this fucking waitress snuck up on me and she had a voice like silk and like I fell out of my chair gayly. her name was Elias and she was really nice so I just wanted yall to know.


so. like. Happy second anniversary to me and my darling! I'm afraid I'm a little bit of a simp for her. I'm very much head over heels. Like, we met a little over two years ago, and we clicked. In dedication to her, in case she stumbles upon this;
          To my brilliant Scarlett.
          I love her more than the sun, she is my sun, my lifeblood, my warmth, my everything. I'd do anything for her, even live or die. She's my love, and I'd give up everything for her. She's worth the world. I love you, I hope you enjoy the ring and necklace, along with the candy.  Unconditionally, Ava <33


vent? I came out to my parents two days ago. I was not ready. I was happy in my little safe box, happy that no one that I cared about would judge me. I was forced to admit to my parents that I liked girls and only girls, and it sucks. I feel guilty because I see my mama's hazelnut eyes glaring up at me, tears pricking the corners, asking 'How can you be sure?' I feel guilty because I see my daddy's disapproving eyes looking down at me with distaste. I shouldn't, because my love life is not a sin, and my girlfriend isn't going to hell for loving me. I have no clue what my grandparents would think, no idea if they'd curse me to hell and back or, the worst possibility, quietly condemn me, unable to meet their once 'perfect, makes everything look easy' child in her eyes. And that's what I'm scared of.


I don't think I want to write here anymore. I love writing, but people have been commenting hateful things about writings probably older than them. I've since removed and reported them, but they remain in the grand scheme of things.  And, on another note, AO3 is much more my style. Hoping this reaches y'all well, 
          long live the gays :3


my comment on writing older than them means it in a mental sense