
Ugh, stupid stupid stupid writing block!! I swear, everything I write just sounds cringe or it's not my style and ugh! I hate this!!! Writing is what I do, it's who I am, it's what I want to be, it's what I'm known for, so why am I struggling so much??? Maybe I'm just in some "mood" and this'll go away, but this sucks. When im not writing I feel like im just wasting time, like I'm not doing anything valuable, and if I don't do valuable things, people won't care, and if people don't care then they'll forget about me. I can't be forgotten. That is my worst fear. Everything in my life that stresses me out or scares me can be led back to my fear of being forgotten. I'm trying really, really hard. 


@itsyogirllynne yay! one of my favorite spn books i’ve read! but just so yk i wasn’t trying to convince tou to keep writing by responding to that message i just have been there and wanted to help <3 that being said CANT WAIT TO READ MORE you’re so talented!


@c-miguel_bilinski thank you :_) I saw that you were commenting on my story, and honestly, thank you so much. I kind of hit a bit of a bump with my book, but you're right. Diety is going off of hold, whether it wants to or not


that might be your problem, it’s ok to take a break, focus on you, who you are outside of your writing, you’re probably just pushing yourself too hard and you feel stuck it’s ok to just let yourself be for a little hwile


Ugh, stupid stupid stupid writing block!! I swear, everything I write just sounds cringe or it's not my style and ugh! I hate this!!! Writing is what I do, it's who I am, it's what I want to be, it's what I'm known for, so why am I struggling so much??? Maybe I'm just in some "mood" and this'll go away, but this sucks. When im not writing I feel like im just wasting time, like I'm not doing anything valuable, and if I don't do valuable things, people won't care, and if people don't care then they'll forget about me. I can't be forgotten. That is my worst fear. Everything in my life that stresses me out or scares me can be led back to my fear of being forgotten. I'm trying really, really hard. 


@itsyogirllynne yay! one of my favorite spn books i’ve read! but just so yk i wasn’t trying to convince tou to keep writing by responding to that message i just have been there and wanted to help <3 that being said CANT WAIT TO READ MORE you’re so talented!


@c-miguel_bilinski thank you :_) I saw that you were commenting on my story, and honestly, thank you so much. I kind of hit a bit of a bump with my book, but you're right. Diety is going off of hold, whether it wants to or not


that might be your problem, it’s ok to take a break, focus on you, who you are outside of your writing, you’re probably just pushing yourself too hard and you feel stuck it’s ok to just let yourself be for a little hwile


Hi y'all! I decided to change up my schedule a little bit while also publishing two drafts of my other Supernatural books! I'm using this little psychology trick of mine to prevent burnout so I have the motivation to continue working on my main book(Deity). I listed my posting schedule below. Thank you for understanding and let me know if you have any questions!
          Deity - Monday
          Abscond - Wednesday
          The road so far - Friday


i sent an Angel to watch over you yesterday, but they came back. 
          I asked them "Why?", and they chuckled. 
          "Angels don't watch over other Angels."
          Twenty Angels are in your world, ten of them are sleeping, nine of them aren't, and one of them is reading this message. 
          The universe has seen you struggling with some days- it's over. 
          A blessing is coming your way. If you believe in Karma, send this to fourteen of your friends, including me. 
          If I don't get this back, I'm not one of them, I suppose. 
          As soon as you get give back, someone you love will quietly surprise you... I promise. 
          Pass this message on and don't ignore it. 
          You are being tested. Karma is going to fix two things tonight in your favour. 
          If you believe in Karma, drop everything and pass this on. 
          Tomorrow will be the best day of your life. 
          Send this to fourteen friends in ten minutes, it's not that hard. 
          Whoever sends this to you must care about you...