
الجزء الرابع عشر نزل! استمتعوا بقرائتكم! 


مرحباََ جميعاََ!! الغمامة اليوم كملت سنتهـا الأولى ❤️لكل اللي قرئوها للأن وتحملوا سحبتي شكراََ لكم! الفصل الرابع عشر قريب! كتبت نصه تقريباََ 


He was trying to help ppl while he was drowning with pain and hopeless & worthless thoughts , it's killing me the way he died..
          U can see how much he cared about ppl by the songs that are  written by him he wrote lots of songs about depression and how u can fight it and rescue urself and for not keeping the pain for yourself 
          So sad 
          So bad
          Rest well dear jonghyun 
          U did well
          But u lost the war that's why i'm sad 
          U fought really great  


I knew how he felt , i've went thro the same satiation before maybe i passed but he didn't..
          I guess i survived 
          That's why i feel really bad about him 
          We lost a soul 
          A soul that screamed for help but nobody noticed it's pain 
          My heart aching till now after i heard the news.