It's not you, it's just me
Thx @I_am_your_stalker for tagging meee
Facts bout me...
~I absolutely love chocolate and I can't go a day without it
~I read whenever I am free (exaggeration but whatever)
~I want to visit America so bad, I can't even
~My friends are everything to me
~My number one thing I say to everyone is "Live life the way you want to, cause after all it's you and not anyone else"
Ok so here we goooo...
1) If you were the opposite gender for a day, what would you do?
Ans- I would make sure I never go to bathroom or the shower and I would go hang around with boys I like and see there point of view.
2) If you were dying and could only say one last word, what would it be?
Ans- "Inspire" {cause it's my fav word and inspiring people helps the world and if I had 3 words I would say help the world but whatever}
3) Batman or Superman?
Ans- Batman {don't ask why}
4) What is one place you would never want to go?
Ans- Hell {Sho you didn't say on this earth}
5) What is your most embarrassing moment?
Ans- When I walked into the men's toilet by mistake but luckily there was no one there {this was not in school}
Questions for other peoplleeee
>If you were the last person on earth and you could chose one person to be with would it be?
>What's the number one thing you say to people when they are in a bad mood?
>If u had to chose between pizza and chocolate to eat for your whole life, which one would it be?
>What's the most stupidest thing you have ever done in your entire life?
>Describe your dream house in ten words...