
Hey, y’all!
          	Chapter 21 of Big Hero 6 Plus One is up! It is titled “Yokai Unmasked”.
          	I am finally getting my sheesh done and the rest of these chapters will be out soon!
          	Enjoy, y’all!
          	-Skye <33


Hey, y'all!
          Chapter 20 of Big Hero 6 Plus One is up! It is titled "Nerd Crew v.s. Yokai".
          Also, I made a tiny mistake a few days ago. The chapter I uploaded before this one is actually Chapter 19, not Chapter 20. My bad lol.
          I think I'm finally getting my sheesh together, so hopefully, I'll have the rest of the chapters up soon!
          Enjoy, y'all!
          -Skye <33


Hey, y'all!
          Chapter 20 of Big Hero 6 Plus One is finally up! It is titled "Akuma Island".
          I cannot apologize enough for how long I've taken to update. I've been very focused on finishing writing (which I did YAAAAY) and I took a big ol break once I finished. However, now that revisions are almost done, I'm hoping to get this fic finalized soon!
          Enjoy, y'all!
          -Skye <33


correction: this is NOT chapter 20. this is chapter 19. my bad!


Hey, y’all!
          Chapter 19 of Big Hero 6 Plus One is up! It is titled “First Flight”.
          Bro when I tell you that program I found is working WONDERS! My word count went from 33.1K to 36.2K in a week, I’m not even joking.
          Chapter 20 is also underway and should be ready soon!
          Enjoy, y’all!
          -Skye <33


Hey, y’all!
          Soooo I recently discovered this new program (no, this is not an advertisement lol) thats like the better NaNoWriMo in the sense that it helps track your writing progress (it’s called Pacemaker, no gatekeeping here), whether it’s word count, pages, chapters, minutes, hours, days, etcetera. The max time is 60 days on the free version, so I set a goal to get to a total word count of 50k by December 5. I started using this program just last Sunday, and my word count has gone from 33.1K to 34.3K in just 5-6 days. That’s CRAZY for me because we all know I am the WORST when it comes to getting my stuff done.
          Soooo, using this new tool, I suddenly have all this motivation! Chapter 19 is underway and chapter 20 will be soon after that! To my fellow writers and just about anyone who struggles with procrastinating and getting your stuff done, I highly recommend trying out this program because oh my gosh when I tell you this thing WORKS.
          I hope to get chapter 19 (and possibly chapter 20) out soon!
          See y’all!
          -Skye <33


Hello, everyone!
          I finally got chapters 17 and 18 done and uploaded!! I'm so sorry it took so long! Writer's block has been a ROYAL PAIN, but I finally found motivation! It decided to run away for a while. Chapter 19 is underway and should be done sometime soon! Also, I highly recommend listening to Immortals by Fall Out Boy while reading chapter 18.
          Thank you so much for being patient with me and I'm really hoping to get the next chapters out soon!
          Enjoy, y'all!
          -Skye <33


Hello, everyone!
          I finally got chapter 16 done!! I’m so sorry it took so long! Writer’s block has been a ROYAL PAIN, but I finally found motivation! It decided to run away for a while. I’m really hoping that won’t happen again because we’re getting to the scenes that gave me writer’s block during the first draft.
          Thank you so much for being patient with me and I’m really hoping to get the next chapters out soon!
          Enjoy, y’all!
          -Skye <33


Hey thanks for following sorry I didn’t see sooner!


Same and your welcome:)


@HiroandAhsokasGF hey! it’s ok. but ty for following me back! i do love finding my fellow Hiro and BH6 lovers :3