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hey there, thank you for taking the time to read choke. I appreciate every single vote it's made my Morning!
@MamaRuckus no worries it's a busy time things get missed... And that is super awesome to know :) gives me the motivation to keep writing the second book (not related to choke but I'll spoiler something and tell you that once I'm done the book I'm writing now... There will be a second in the series . About mitch)
@MamaRuckus Oh gosh, I am so sorry for not replying to you, I only saw this today and I feel really bad about it since it's been like two months. But I just wanted to say you're welcome. Choke was a really interesting story to me and I enjoyed it a lot, it's one of my favourite online novels and I doubt that opinion is going to change, so thank you for making such a great novel, hope you have a great day/night!