
@HakuroHanagata Nope!! n.n But I wish I did!! I keep forgetting because subconciously I don´t want to come in here because of my horrible posting habits xD


Oh man, most people probably hated that movie, including me X( I mean, it's a good movie if you haven't read the book, but for those of us who HAVE, then it's just bad. Seriously, they took the basic idea and a couple characters, then rewrite the entire plot line and everything DX


@itzarit yeah that's the name...and I was doing that a while ago, and I made it to the third book, but then I started rereading Percy Jackson instead XD the stupid thing is, that was the sixth time of reading Percy Jackson, but only the second of rereading Harry Potter...oh well X3 Percy Jackson is more...I want to say entertaining, but I'm not sure that's it...