Hi Guys, it's me @SweetShuZaki and here's the characters of our upcoming CELEBRITY SERIES: #1: VLOGGER BABE
- Akira Cassandra Yoon
- Zachaeus Yuri Beaumont #2: RUNWAY LOVER
- Crystal Love Volkswagen
- Haruko Raizen Villeurbanne #3: NIGHTS IN PARIS, WITH PARIS
- Paris Natasha Hilton
- Xilean Haizen Villeurbanne #4: DOUBLE-FACED
- Sunshine Queensliey Ladesma
- Zachyuri Varcarcel #5: HEALING MELODY
- Serenity Snow Valdeleon
- Devon Blue Martinez #6: APRIL SHOWER
- Sapphire Yuri Beaumont
- Aurelian Kai Devereux
Actually, We're not sure when we're going to start this series but we'll update you guys soon