
Happy birthday to Tom Holland!
          	I know I’m posting on here a bit late but I still need to thank him for everything. He made my years so much better though he doesn’t know I exist, he helped a lot with knowing.
          	He helped me through the pandemic and with so much more. I thank you Thomas so much, I love you. You deserve the best <3
          	[I might post something tomorrow for you guys, idk maybe. Love y’all! Byeee!]


Happy birthday to Tom Holland!
          I know I’m posting on here a bit late but I still need to thank him for everything. He made my years so much better though he doesn’t know I exist, he helped a lot with knowing.
          He helped me through the pandemic and with so much more. I thank you Thomas so much, I love you. You deserve the best <3
          [I might post something tomorrow for you guys, idk maybe. Love y’all! Byeee!]


Hehe y’all guess what 
          It’s my birthday :)


@Notdoingtowell thank you bestieee! :)


Lol I just got a nose bleed 


@itzteadarling LOL EL WHO WE ONLY KNOW YOU
            also ofc darling :)


@BOTATO-HEHGE I’m okay XD thanks for asking <3


Hey guys! I’m not dead! Yeah I’m fine, I’m sorry I haven’t updated you guys in a while but I didn’t feel motivated to continue my series and got lazy. Then my phone started acting up so I had to get a new one, so here I am! :)
          I will be updating my series soon (maybe this weekend) but stay tuned for that! Love you all! Peace out!