
So uhm.. I just got done with one book, but I don't know if I should publish it or not because it will have a part two that I probably want to work on first. If I will even publish the book. Just wanted to tell you guys, I guess.


LIA IS COMING BACK ON MIDZY'S BDAY, IM SO HAPPY (I'm mad if she won't be there and the editors just put her name on it) BUT IM SO HAPPY OMG


@itzygotmealive I'm so happy but it would be so sad if it's just a misunderstanding....


@ itzygotmealive  i had an heart attack when I saw that 
            I'm so happy i hope it's true that she is coming back and i really hope she is not pressured by someone to come back and she is ready 


Hopefully you're at a better place now without any worries about life.  That you're doing fine now after fighting cancer 4 years ago, and got it again 3 weeks ago. Last week we hugged and you told us how happy you are to have a family like us, who would do everything for you. Last week you told my mother you'll be back in a few weeks and work with her again and drink a coffee while laughing. It just makes it even more sad that we all had so much hope, even you, that you'll make it out healthy, treated from the cancer just to sadly leave us after a few days. Thursday was the last day I've seen you and said my goodbyes to you. 
          Words can't describe how much I miss you already. 
          Hopefully you're doing fine, as now you're another beautiful star in the night sky. 
          Please look after us from above. 
          I miss and love you so much, auntie


@itzygotmealive stress dich nicht. ich weiß, dass es nicht einfach ist über sowas und seine Gefühle zu reden. ich würd dir einfach sagen, versuche jetzt das zu tun, was dich am Glücklisten macht und heul dich auch mal aus wenn du es brauchst/willst, okay? du schaffst das <3


Its been already 3 weeks since I last texted on here and almost 6 months of not publishing a book. 
          Never had guessed I would take a break for so long, but it will probably take longer as I'm not doing so well for a few weeks now and don't really have any motivation to write or something and just try to focus on myself, friends and my family. 
          I can't tell when I publish a new book or something, as there's still no book dome or anything and I don't want to rush an end like in the Yunjin book. 
          I hope yall understand. 
          Have a great day/night/morning<3


@itzygotmealive take all the time u need <3


@itzygotmealive all good,take all the time you may need. 


@itzygotmealive its been a month not three weeks since I've last posted whoops


Just changed my password for this account so if I don't remember my email (I got a new password for it so I will remember) that I can easily just log in without email and such


@itzygotmealive maybe you should make a new one too


@ itzygotmealive  I Don't remember my password dammit