Hello there my lovelies! How are y'all doing? Oh look, Ivyy is back from the dead ಥ‿ಥ
I'm posting this announcement to say that I might not continue writing for UniVerses Of Love anymore. Somehow, thinking about ideas to continue that story is putting me in a block and the timeline feels so... off. I just thought of writing whatever randomly came to my mind back when I started publishing at the beginning of the year, but now I don't know how to continue the story. So, I think UOL stops at chapter 18 (for now). Somehow, someday, I will come up with a way to finish that story. I'm sorry for disappointing you all :(
But, but—I have other ideas to write. I have some good stories and timelines set in my head; I just gotta put them into words, and I might start publishing those. So I hope you'll stay with me to read my new stories (・ัω・ั)
Once again, I'm truly thankful for all your support you show me and showed for UOL. Thank you for being patient and reading my work.
Love ya and see you in my new updates ^^