Hey, thanks for the follow <3 How are you? How was your day? How did you find my account if I may ask? I love your profile picture! Have a beautiful day wherever you are :)

Heyy, oh cool, of course, thank you! I know, one of my favorites! Thank you you too! You can be my friend ❤️

@mcapriel Hi! Thank you so much! I'm honestly doing ok thank you! How are you? To be honest, I can't fully remember how I found your account, it might have been comments on a fic or it might have just been profiles that I thought looked interesting on another person that I followed page. Thank you so much! I love your picture too! Fetus Liam was such a cutie. I hope you had a wonderful day! I lowkey want to make more 1d friends so I'd love to meet more new people!