
sorry for not posting for 2 months guys, but i haven’t been well. Lost a close friend who left me and i’m still trying to recover from what they did to me. I’ll be back to posting soon and i’ll come back with better updates and finish the mw2 story line and focus on you guys and Ghost. ❤︎︎ (•̀ᴗ•́)و


sorry for not posting for 2 months guys, but i haven’t been well. Lost a close friend who left me and i’m still trying to recover from what they did to me. I’ll be back to posting soon and i’ll come back with better updates and finish the mw2 story line and focus on you guys and Ghost. ❤︎︎ (•̀ᴗ•́)و


          please read my posy from 24th of may! <3


            FEEL BETTER POOKIE <3


@Gray898 ah, sorry it’s 26th of may. I got sick again so i can’t really see things. <33


!!!!!!PLEASE READ!!!!!!
          okay- i’m getting a bit motivation again. First i wanna say ty for almost 200 followers <3 i’m working on 3 more books that are to come after Yeuri. I have a SoapxReader, a PricexReader and a GazxReader. 
          I’ll post prologues soon for my books, and first, i’ll tell you what their about. 
          (ALL FEM READERS.)
          GazxReader is based on formula1 and it’s gonna be quite fluffy if you know, not much smut i think. Racer!Gaz and Fem!reader. Kinda inspired by the dirty air series (it’s a book) but haven’t read it fully so no spoilers <3 | Mentions of underage and illegal drug usage tho. 
          PricexReader is based on a kinda religious type of fic, not allowed— |mentions of satanism(i hope not if i change my mind.) Age gap ofcourse. (I was planning on doing like a PriestxSuccubus but i like.. Need votes.. Either IncubusXheavilyreligous!femreader or Priest!priceXsuccubus!femreader.) much smut. |
          SoapxReader is based on the Omega!verse, basically Fem!reader doesn’t know their status and is tryna figure out what to do and Alpha!soap steps up in their life. Kinda mlpish but hybrids ofcourse. | Mentions of heats, knotting and such. Much smut (i think.??) |
          i hope yall like this and give me other ideas (ᗒᗣᗕ)՞


not people that i know irl finding my wattpad.. 


@ iwhiskers  omg that would be my biggest fear


@iwhiskers my friends know what I write on here all of them


@iwhiskers my biggest fear fr