
Hey all, I’ve just started releasing my fantasy novel Alex Frost and the Dragons of Overearth... please check out the first couple of chapters and let me know what you think!
          	Thanks and happy reading


Thanks, I still need to come up with a title for that book, and get a real cover. Lol that's actually just my company name and logo up for now. But thanks for the interest. I hope I can write as enticing a story as you, in time. 


no problem, i like your screenplay it is an interesting premise. I started writing my sic-fi comedy as a screenplay and switched it over as i found much of my comedy voice was in the narrative. You have a good sitcom feel about the script. Please feel free to follow and read Argyle - given your writing style i'd hope you'd like it ;)


No problem! We all need help to raise profiles etc! I found your Alien poetry collection interesting :)
          Argyle Hartley is great name to hide behind. There is a lot of myself poured into that character, but what Writer doesn't encapsulate their own failings into their heroes!