
Well, after a lot of mulling it over, I finally took down Shadows of the Past, mainly for a couple of different reasons. One, as I was reading it over, I realized that it was by far not my best work, and that in retrospect, I could have written it a lot better than I did. Two, it was becoming harder and harder for me to think up of a way to keep the story moving smoothly, which resulted in those huge breaks in between chapters.
          	Anyways, I know I have probably one of the smallest fanbases on the entire website, so I know that this will very likely not cause anyone to shed a tear. However, before you get the wrong idea, I will not be leaving the site. I already have another idea for a story in the works, and once I hone that down and fine tune it and everything, I shall start posting the different parts. Hopefully, I can get the first part up by the end of the year.


Well, after a lot of mulling it over, I finally took down Shadows of the Past, mainly for a couple of different reasons. One, as I was reading it over, I realized that it was by far not my best work, and that in retrospect, I could have written it a lot better than I did. Two, it was becoming harder and harder for me to think up of a way to keep the story moving smoothly, which resulted in those huge breaks in between chapters.
          Anyways, I know I have probably one of the smallest fanbases on the entire website, so I know that this will very likely not cause anyone to shed a tear. However, before you get the wrong idea, I will not be leaving the site. I already have another idea for a story in the works, and once I hone that down and fine tune it and everything, I shall start posting the different parts. Hopefully, I can get the first part up by the end of the year.


Status update: With school starting for me, I have had very little time to write. I'm a bit of a ways through Chapter 13, but as things really start getting plot heavy in the book, I've been taking a lot longer time in the editing department so that I don't mess anything up. I guess it's a bit of a spoiler, but Chapter 13 reveals a lot of what happened in Blake's past, and is basically one of the major climaxes in the story. This is besides the fact that I am a novice writer when it comes to romance, and while I have the outline of the story all planned out, the filling in of the details is what's difficult. Anyways, I'll try and have 13 out in a couple of weeks, but just a note that my writing schedule is going to be very random over the next few weeks as I settle into a new schedule. Sorry for the wait, but I promise you I am still writing.


Sorry for the delay, people. While I have been working on the next chapter, this one is going to be longer than most, so it's taking me a bit longer than I had hoped, not to mention that cross country preseason (yes, I'm an athlete as well as a writer) has started, which takes away a bunch of the time that I normally would use for writing. However, today and tomorrow I will be writing a ton, so expect chapter 11 by Sunday, or Monday at the absolute latest. Thanks for your patience!


Sorry for the delay, peeps. The vacation went a bit longer than expected (as I found out right after we left -.-) but now that I'm back, I should be writing a lot more over the next couple of weeks. Chapter Ten is nearing completion as I write this, so thank you for your patience!