
Hey guys a update here, sorry u have been so busy lately ,lately I've just been reading and not writing , I've got some ideas and I'm gonna start over Ik I posted a while back I was but fr this time I am, the fanfic I have up isn't a good one but I'll see if I can just start over I have a story gonna leave it for surprise I'm gonna leave all the details for later . But it's all suprises


Hey guys a update here, sorry u have been so busy lately ,lately I've just been reading and not writing , I've got some ideas and I'm gonna start over Ik I posted a while back I was but fr this time I am, the fanfic I have up isn't a good one but I'll see if I can just start over I have a story gonna leave it for surprise I'm gonna leave all the details for later . But it's all suprises


Starting over I'm having. Writers block and all My fan fictions have sucked, so I'm gonna take a week or two and see if I can write and not just in the spur of the moment sorry, my friend told me to keep going with it but like I'm having trouble I mean I'm like literally when I'm writing I've wrote the middle part of the fanfic and like I have no idea where it's going sorry guys to let you down but if you need me just leave a message