jar retired i feel nothing but despair.

@izparklez i can't really write anymore and i feel so miserable rewriting the same story again and again so i gave up. breathe was just about yuri trying to bring yena home to the sea, yena ran away from home, that's all and she couldn't remember it.

if jar update breathe i might update ao1- (not that its because i already forgot the plot to it and i didnt write it down-)

Dear, @dancingstroberi i love you jar. please keep on fighting, drinks lots of water, take short breaks every now and then. don't stress, you have nothing to be stressed about. I know you'll do great, i believe in you. Yours truly, Sparki ✨

@izparklez i was on class and bored so i opened wattpad and stalked you wow. you're something else, sparki so real. but im fasting, i can't drink.

ik this is late but ya know midmel has a playlist right? (*'▽'*) it has extra songs in there too that i've also got inspired by https://open.spotify.com/playlist/5LoMCxsmgGCkQNHGXUXZpB?si=X0Z7H-efT_yStGgGmqN71w&dl_branch=1 hehe hope u enjoy :3 and thank you very much for reading

Hi authornim i just wanna say i really like your story also i love your writing i will wait for your update but no need to rush, just take your time... Fighting authornim! Erm. May i know if u have twitter?

henlo there :D Thank you for liking my work it really means a lot to me ;-; I’ve been a bit busy,, ill update soon tho dont worry i want it to have a happy end i dont tweet abt my works there mostly cuz im shy,, but its @.izparkles thank you again for reading my work ♡