I feel like it is every human being Muslim or not to address this matter. The violence in Gaza has intensified to the highest peak in history. More than 500 children have been killed, after performing a full-fledged massacre on them in the past few days, the remaining have been asked to leave their homes, surrender the land that is theirs, or lose it along with their lives. It is disturbing to what the world has come to. I see the world shedding tears of 'sympathy' for Israel, but there are barely a few human beings left who are verbally firm in their support of Palestine. But remember, voices that are slaves of money and power don't last for long anyway. The cries of innocents reach the highest heavens and all I can say to those who are terrorizing the people of Palestine, be afraid of the Lord who's watching it all. It doesn't matter what your faith is, all that is seen here is that you have lost your humanity as you sit quietly in a corner like a coward or are siding with the powerful to earn a favor. Be afraid of the day when you'll have to answer for all the crimes you have done.