
i got a new phone and idk any of my passwords so this account has to go. i will start a new account and post the new account on here. at least there’s gonna be new stories .


I’ve lost my spark. I wanna write more but I jus dk how to put wut in thinking into words. I don’t even think y’all would read wut I write. Speaking of reading wut kind of books do y’all like? I like supernatural and jus a lot of action. I think ima work on a supernatural book, and actually try and finish writing it. 


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I’m starting a new book, tbh idek where everything happens for a reason is headin. All ik is this book does have an ending a good one, and tbh ima just write a shit ton of books and their first chapter and post them bc yeah. My imagination runs wild especially with random shi and my weekly obsession so yea. Please red and enjoy and tell me wut u think