Can one of you stab me.
Like not in a "I want to die" kinda way (at least not rn lmao) but in a "what does it feel like to have a knife inside of you" kinda way.
Also I need more friends so someone talk to me I'm lonely.
Y u p
It was a accident with a friend. We were cutting up potatoes and talking and she jabbed the knife into my arm on accident while gesturing about something. It hurt but it wasn’t that deep.
@Quince_gelly I would do that but my parents would think I'm crazy (I mean they already do) also, if you don't mind me asking, you know what getting stabbed is like?
Put a butter knife in your mouth, then imagine that with a lot of pain and m u c h sharper in your arm or something and that’s what it felt like getting stabbed