
was going to try and update over the weekend but got caught up! no update for a couple days because today's my birthday and I'm going out of town! 


happy new year!! thank you for the support on ariella over the past year, it is greatly appreciated. i also didn't realize that november 30th, 2024 was ONE YEAR of ariella as well!! so thank you all and i hope this new year treats everyone with kindness <3
          new ariella chapter should be out later today. much love


soooo i'm maybe back? a LOT of things have changed in my life and by that i mean A LOT. i'm not gonna bore you like everyone does saying every bad thing that has caused them to not write because who really wants to hear that?
          the truth is i haven't had the motivation or the drive to write. it started to bore me if i'm being completely honest. but i've slowly started to miss it and the stories and ideas that i've created that constantly float around my mind screaming at me to write.
          for 2025 i am hopeing to become a better writer and stay on a schedule. i switched to a different school for second semester due to personal reasons, and that school has friday's off, sooo for ariella i will have one chapter come out a week STARTING OFF.
          if i continue to stay true to my word for a couple weeks i might make it twice a week, TUESDAY and FRIDAY, but that honestly depends. 
          the recent chapter of ariella only has about a thousand words left to write so tonight I am going to try and finish writing chapter 14 and publish it tommorrow. 
          again, i am so sorry if people liked ariella and were waiting for chapters, but lets hope i can get in the writing grind again and finish my slump.
          much love, izzie <3


hello my lovely lovely people that i have abandoned! unfortunately i have been going through LOTS of personal issues, but i am trying to get back into writing just because i've missed ariella and her story. the comments and votes have been so very much appreciated, and is a BIG part of the reason why i'm getting this motivation again. also, thank you for 6k reads on ariella :) i'll try to get a new chapter out as soon as i can. much love <3


The original series season 1-5 
          Elijah mikaelson and klaus mikaelson love story
          Name: Baptist  persephone Lunar Smith 
          Age:20 ( 999)
          Height: 5'1 
          Birthday: October 31, 99 A.D
          Jobs: she owns an antique shop called Eden Garden of History. Leader of the vampires 
          Hobbies: reading, writing,  dancing, cooking, baking, learning languages along with history, teaching kids, taking care of her pets and business.
          Personality: sweet, soft spoken, loving, caring, honest, quiet, goofy, sassy, selfless, and creative 
          Face claim 
          Baptist was born in Salem on Halloween night during a full moon. Her mother died during birth but managed to give her gifts as protection. A man took her in and raised to be who she is today. She met many friends over the years of her life. Vampires,werewolves, and witches.
          What happens when two mikaelson brothers see a beauty girl full of life?
          Powers: molecular combustion( blow things up)
          ( sees and talk to ghost), elemental manipulation,healing, astral projection, telekinetic, freezes time, visions, speed, strength,compulsion.
          Daylight Jewelry 
          Pets( 3)
          ( gift from the vampires and wolves)
          Outfit for season 1 episode 1 always and forever
          Facts about her 
          She has never fed on a human in her whole life.
          She loves cooking all types of food.
          She doesn't let people around all over her
          She doesn't live in the compound with everyone, but she lives in bayou near nature.