
So my account was recently #hacked, which is annoying as hell because they changed my password and made me follow about 500 people that I don't know, as well as changed my username to the link to a porn site. It's tedious, but I think it's all fixed now. They haven't done anything as of late, thankfully. Just thought you guys should know in case I said or did anything that seemed weird to you. Lots of love <3


Quando se fala em máfia, não se faz referência somente a um grupo de pessoas, mas em uma união de várias gangues ou famílias. E é devido a essa família, que Alessa, terá que participar da sua mais perigosa missão, restabelecer a paz entre os clãs, mas de uma forma totalmente diferente do que ela é acostumada, através de um casamento com o capo Dimitrievich. Jogar ela sabe, o problema é que não é a única. As cartas já estão na mesa, quem será o vencedor?
          Ficou curioso? Então vem acompanhar o desfecho dessa história com a gente.


So my account was recently #hacked, which is annoying as hell because they changed my password and made me follow about 500 people that I don't know, as well as changed my username to the link to a porn site. It's tedious, but I think it's all fixed now. They haven't done anything as of late, thankfully. Just thought you guys should know in case I said or did anything that seemed weird to you. Lots of love <3