
Hey y'all! I'm so sorry about the month+ long hiatus. Summers coming and that's usually when I write (and read, lol) the most fics so I'll hopefully be around more!
          	Expect the next chapter of the highschool au tonight or tomorrow (6/2) I've got like two hours to kill currently so expect it real soon lol :)
          	thanks for reading and all the interaction!! I came back to like 20 notifications and honestly that was an amazing motivator. most people seemed to really like the truth or dare fic lol. Hope I can live up to it!! 
          	read on, -j


@j10writes update: 2nd. Chapter of the highschool fic is out! Hope y'all like it. If you didn't know already btw, the highschool fic follows a similar continuity to the solangelo fics minus that the 7+rest of the gang KNOW Nico&Will are dating so there's some changes.)


Hey y'all! I'm so sorry about the month+ long hiatus. Summers coming and that's usually when I write (and read, lol) the most fics so I'll hopefully be around more!
          Expect the next chapter of the highschool au tonight or tomorrow (6/2) I've got like two hours to kill currently so expect it real soon lol :)
          thanks for reading and all the interaction!! I came back to like 20 notifications and honestly that was an amazing motivator. most people seemed to really like the truth or dare fic lol. Hope I can live up to it!! 
          read on, -j


@j10writes update: 2nd. Chapter of the highschool fic is out! Hope y'all like it. If you didn't know already btw, the highschool fic follows a similar continuity to the solangelo fics minus that the 7+rest of the gang KNOW Nico&Will are dating so there's some changes.)