
Welp, your imagine's up and I hope you like it! I got a little carried away and now I'm exhausted lol this just might be by favorite one yet so I really hope you like cause I'm pooped. It's almost 12:30 and I took some Night Qil and now I'm now about to crash so hard. I should probably go sleep. Lol thanks again for requesting ✌


I am so sorry I'm responding late I had a wedding and a friend's bar mizvah to go to. But I'm glad that you like it cause I had to hurry because I had so many events going on over the weekend and not much time. And lol 100 imagines? Not too sure about that cause I'd probably die by then lol. But I'm taking a little break from them cause I've neglected a lot of my other stories. But for sure I'll write you another one one of these days. But anyway it's been a pleasure ^_^  


@karenmisfit  Girl you know I was kidding I'd never ask for 100 imagines but i'll definately look forward to another one someday


Okay so I really hope that you like your imagine lol but I must apologize cause I got a little carried away. I had so many ideas and at like 7,234 words I was like whoaaaaa lol. It's really long lol cause I've been working on it since New Years so lol I'm sorry but I really wanted to do a Supernatural theme and What's the Matter by Milo Greene is such an amazing song. It was a pleasure writing for you and I hope you like it love! Thanks!! \(^_^)/ ♥


@karenmisfit of course I absolutely love it and I think you did a great job with it and I already asked in the comments if you would write a part 2 for me or another imagine intirely