hello, so at the moment my plan regarding TRF is to finish it and then rewrite it. i have relationship changes i want to make, i want to change the first person POV to third person POV and i want to write it more deatailed and just write it better.
and i'm considering getting a beta reader so if anyone wanst to be my beta reader please let me know.
what being my beta reader would entail is to read the chapters before they're posted, give constructive criticism on them and help me edit them, make sure there's no spelling mistakes etc.
personally i would prefer someone that has english as their first language because i know, as someone with english as their second language, that you sometimes mess up grammar and stuff so it'll be best for me and the quality of my work if the beta reader has english as their first language.
PM me if you are interested.
that's all from me, bye!!