Hi! I'm yourfriendbri and I want to welcome you to Wattpad. It's a wonderful community where you can meet amazing people and read and write amazing stories. I love and I'm obsessed with Wattpad so I hope you are going to love it too.
Since you're new I just wanted to extend you a warm hug and pleasant greetings. :3
I am here if you ever need anything. If you happen to ever need anything please feel free to contact me via pm or dm. I am almost always here. :3
Thank you a hundred times and more for following me. Welcome to Riverian Family. We are a family of 626 people. :3 So if by chance you can't reach me please feel free to contact one of my other family members. :3
(If you don't mind me asking: How did you find my account and why did you follow it?).
I hope you have a fantabulous day.
Love you bunches,