I've added new photos to the last few on the list as I did it on my tablet initially and have only just realised how small and bad quality they were! Sorry about that!
I've added new photos to the last few on the list as I did it on my tablet initially and have only just realised how small and bad quality they were! Sorry about that!
Haven't managed to get on in a few months becausee of home circs and I have nearly 500 notifications! I am so sorry that I haven't been able to get on sooner but I am getting on it now to start adding :)
I've added a few more people and I will be adding more later. On my list is Emma Watson, Emma Chung, Aljur Abrenica, Francisco Lachowski , Kimberley Walsh, Drew Roy, Liana Liberato and Noah Gray-Cabey!! :)
Thank you so much for your Actors and Actresses book, I was able to create a great cast for my new book "She's Royalty" so thank you so much, It was alot easier this way.
@jackie1983 Your book for the usesful actors/actresses for wattpad was really helpful!!!!! Thanks for the help!!!! Also, I FINALLY FOUND SOMEONE FROM THE UK!!!!!! Yay, I live in Wales! Have an awesome 2015 :) xx