
I took down one of my oneshot books because it's full of horrific writing, and I plan to release a fresher version of it, in my own time, of course, and quite possible over on my AO3, rather than here!


Reminder my A03 is more active with TMNT things (currently working on a gruesome Leonardo and Tigerclaw centric story over there/lil hard to explain it lol) and hopefully will be shooting some usual oneshots out there soon (thinking of redoing a certain unfinished story of mine into a non shippy hurt comfort oneshot ;) )


Hey! So I haven't been able to update at all recently due to my laptop giving up on life, but I recently got a new laptop - I'll be putting everything on hold while I start my A-Levels (VERY important schoolwork shiz) and see after if I can pick things back up!


Lmfao when only one of your friends remembers your birthday when you remember all of theirs and always give them gifts ;-;
          Who cares though, bitch I'm getting ferrets soon, they'll wish me my happy birthday instead


@ Cura-chan  I met you*


@ jackxmarktrash  Well I me you today because of your Super Strikas stories (btw I love them, please continue) but Happy Birthday :))) have a great day 


            Ah! Your birthday's close?
            Happy (Advanced) birthday! Here, Have a Cake :³