
@Mkitty97 sure, but could i pm u?


So I'm writing a story that helps people with relationships. are you in a friend zone that you want to get out of?
          let me know the situation and i can try to solve it :)
          If you could let your fans know too that would be great!


Vampires are awesome, but werewolfs are good too. It depends some have good higene ( I don't no how to spell that, but it means something like clean) and jacob is totally hot, I agree with jacob_is_sexy on this one, sorry.


Hey thanks for becoming a fan! And I kind of take offense to what u said about vampires. I don't really like Edward, but I LOVE vampires in general. I personally think Taylor Launtner is ugly and I hate werewolves. They smell and remind me of giant dirty rats in an alley full of trash. Okay sorry, I got a bit carried away. :)